

Area Agency on Aging

  • 1-800-510-2020

Alameda County Crisis Line- 24 hour line for crisis intervention, safety planning and self-care tools

  • 1-800-309-2131

Alameda County Access Line- Mental Health services- Medi Cal services

  • 1-800-491-9099

Senior Warm Line by Institute on Ageing- Conversation line for seniors

  • 1-800-971-0016

American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA)

  • 1-800-533-3231

Bay Area Women Against Rape

  • 24 Hour Hotline 1-510-845-7273

Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments

  • 24 Hour Hotline 1-510-794-6055

BACS Wellness Centers- Group activities, peer support, case management/ free

  • Hayward 1-510-247-8235

  • Fremont 1-510-657-7425

  • Pleasanton 1-925-484-8457

Khalil Center Islamic Faith based mental health care in Santa Clara

  • 1-855-554-2545

La Familia- Spanish speaking health services

  • 1-510-881-5921

 Bay Area Post Partum Hotline

  • 1-888-773-7090

SFSI/ SGR- Free confidential, science based information on sex, sexuality and resources for safer sex.

Trans Lifeline

  • 1-877-565-8860

Book Recommendations

Process Art

Life Paint and Passion, by Cassou and Cubley- on process art

Awakening the Creative Spirit, by Valters Paintner and Beckman- on expressive art as a tool for spiritual health

The Artist Way, by Julia Cameron and The Artists Way Morning Pages Journal- 90 day program with journaling, recommended exercises all focused on tuning into the self and moving past creative blocks or finding your new path

It’s Never to Late to Begin Again, by Julia Cameron- process writing for life review/ memoir

Writing as a Path to Awakening, by DeSilver- process writing- a 12 month program with mindfulness integrated into the writing process

Relationships and Communication

The Five Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts. by Gary Chapman

The Erotic Mind: Unlocking Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfillment, by Jack Morin

Modern Romance: An Investigation, by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg

Non Violent Communication: Create Your Life Your Relationships, and Your Work in Harmony with Your Values, by Marshall Rosenburg (audio Book on Sounds True)

Stop Walking on Egg Shells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Love has Borderline Personality Disorder, by Paul Mason and Randy Kreger

Why Does He Do That: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, Lundy Bancroft

Soul Mates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love and Relationship, by Thomas Moore

Coping with Pain

Break Through Pain: A Step By Step Mindfulness Meditation Program For Transforming Chronic and Acute Pain, by Shenzen Young

The Way Out: A Revolutionary Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain (Pain Reprocessing Theory), by Alan Gordon

Turning Suffering Inside out, by Darlene Choen

Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief, by Jon Kabat- Zinn (audio book on sounds true)

Mindfulness Meditation

The Science of Enlightenment: How Meditation Works, by Shenzen Young

When Things Fall Apart, (or any works) by Pema Chodrin

The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle

The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism, by Fritjof Chapra


Trans Bodies Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community, Edited by Laura Erickson- Schroth

Men Explain Things To Me, by Rebecca Solnit

Hope In the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities, by Rebecca Solnit


Fall Asleep Stay Asleep: Relax into Sleep, Sleep Through the Night and Awaken Refreshed, by Martin Rossman (audio book on sounds true)


1-2-3 Magic: 3 Step Discipline for Calm, Effective and Happy Parenting, by Thomas Phelan

Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility, by Foster Cline and Jim Fay

What to Expect When Your Expecting, (series) by Murkoff, Eisenberg and Hathaway

The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting; Raising Children with Courage, Compassion and Connection, by Brene Brown


The 36 Hour Day: A Family Guide To Caring for People Who Have Alzhimers Disease and Other Dimentias, by Nancy Mace and Peter Rabbins

Hope and Purpose

Mans Search For Meaning, by Viktor Frankl

Online Resources

WRAP information on Wellness Planning

NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness  peer and family support groups and public advocacy   

NAMI Alameda County South

Depression and Bipolar Disorder Support Group      

Depression and Bipolar Disorder Support Group Berkeley

Sounds True educational wellness website, ranging from qi gong, yoga and meditation to nonviolent communication

DBT Self Help self guided DBT tools

The Greater Good website on enhancing wellness through gratitude


YouTube resources for Yin Yoga, Chair Yoga , Restorative Yoga, Power Yoga and Yoga with Adriene (yoga has been shown to help reduce anxiety and fight/flight response), I recommended recordings by Jon Kabat Zinn and Pema Chodrin on mindfulness. 8 hour nature videos for insomnia by Johnnie Lawson . David Solis- mindfulness meditation music video.  ASMR repetitive sounds and images for self soothing.

AA/NA/OA/CEA-HOW/SAA /ALANON- addiction support groups, donation based and anonymous. Run by members.

  • Alameda and Contra Costa County meeting finder 1-510-839-8900 for AA.

A Network For Grateful Living exercises for bringing gratitude into your day

A Good Day inspirational talk inspirational talk by David Steindl- Rast

East Bay Circle of Men social support group

SIRS Sons in Retirement Activity group for male retirees

Meetup social networking website, free groups ranging from book clubs to yoga to age based activities and dating

AARP What to do when a loved one dies

AARP Tips for Caregivers

Bilateral Stimulation Music

Self-soothing/ help with sleep-

  • Robert A. Yourell- album Evolucid, Personal Journey or Up Level

Free Handouts